About Me
My name is Yunfei Yang. I was born in 1990s.
I am a security researcher focusing on red teamming, wireless security and IoT security. I have extensive experience in wireless penetration testing and defense. I used to work at 360 Technology, and now I’m employed by Tencent.
I made several talks about wireless security and pentesting on KCON, Blackhat, Codeblue, FIT, DC010, Overdrive, Infosec-City, ISC etc. I developed a “SheepWall” public Wi-Fi threat experience system which was settled in the China Science and Technology Museum, and multiple security exhibitions.
External Links
Feel free to drop me a line.
- 2018
- FIT2019 “无线电安全场控之谜”
- BlackHat EU “Drosera: Using wireless honeypot to protect your enterprise“
- GreHack “Detecting all type of illegal Access Points on enterprise network“
- CodeBlue “RCE with Captive Portal“
- Infosec-CIty “Invisible Battle:Wireless Offence & Defence “
- OverDrive “Drosera: Using wireless honeypot to protect your enterprise”
- 2017
- DEFCON GROUP 010 “How to build a portable PPPoE Password Sniffer”
- FIT “路由器宽带帐号便携式窃取攻防实验”
- KCON “如何DIY一套低成本反无人机系统”
- HITCON “How to Build an Anti-Drone System in Your Mom’s Garage”
- CCF YOCSEF “公共无线安全的现状与未来”
- 2020
- 黑客视角揭秘WiFi钓鱼,零信任带来防护突破
https://www.freebuf.com/articles/wireless/261280.html - 红蓝对抗中的近源渗透
- 黑客视角揭秘WiFi钓鱼,零信任带来防护突破
- 2019
- WPA3 标准被曝严重漏洞,WiFi 密码可遭窃取?
https://www.leiphone.com/news/201904/hG33GmuLxzlkUqBP.html - 影响所有苹果设备的无线漏洞,可被强行接入恶意热点
https://www.freebuf.com/vuls/203484.html - 有VPN保护就可以随意连接公共热点?大错特错
- WPA3 标准被曝严重漏洞,WiFi 密码可遭窃取?
- 2018
- 开启Wi-Fi就会泄漏身份信息,还有这种骚操作?
https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/161892 - 一二三四五,企业无线渗透说清楚
https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/158717 - 利用PMKID破解PSK的实际测试与影响评估
https://www.freebuf.com/articles/system/180837.html - 初探WPA3中的Wi-Fi Easy Connect
https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/150324 - DEFCON CHINA议题解读 | SmartCfg无线配网方案安全分析
https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/144865 - 拒绝成为免费劳动力:检测含有挖矿脚本的WiFi热点
http://www.freebuf.com/web/161010.html - 解密古老又通杀的路由器攻击手法:从嗅探PPPoE到隐蔽性后门
http://www.freebuf.com/articles/wireless/163480.html - HITB议题-Ghost Tunnel:适用于隔离网络的WiFi隐蔽传输通道
- 开启Wi-Fi就会泄漏身份信息,还有这种骚操作?
- 通向内网的另一条路:记一次无线渗透测试实战
https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/86520 - 聊聊WiFi Hacks:为何你的Karma攻击不好使了
https://www.freebuf.com/articles/wireless/145259.html - WPA2 KRACK Attacks 分析报告
https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/87023 - WPA2漏洞原理分析与防御(WIPS产品对抗KRACK漏洞)
- 通向内网的另一条路:记一次无线渗透测试实战
- 企业级无线渗透之PEAP
https://www.jianshu.com/p/367ecc71518b - 企业级入侵检测系统及实时告警的开源实现
- 企业级无线渗透之PEAP